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With Dr. Ty Blog

Survive and Thrive/Webinars/September 21, 2023

September 21, 2023

New Tool To Aid In Preparing Risk Analysis

On this webinar we discuss the new 'tool’ the government has just released to ‘aid’ doctors in preparing their risk analysis, while meeting the regulations.

We will talk about needed policies and needed IT solutions relative to the tool and HIPAA compliance!

We will answer these questions and many more:
Is this tool hard to use?
Do you need it?
How does it work?
What does it entail?
Does it do a risk analysis for me?
Smishing, what is it and how it can affect your office?
Responding to patient reviews, even if they're patently false!

Join Dr. Ty's Start, Stay, Refer & Pay Challenge

This 2 Day Challenge is for chiropractors who want to unlock the secrets of building a practice that's fun, easy, and Growing.
register now - starting april 10th at 12:30 pM (CT)

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