So how does your mind work? How can you develop “Success Consciousness?”
The best explanation is that the two most powerful functions your fully developed conscious mind can do , that the other two (subconscious and unconscious) can’t do is ...
1. Its ability to direct your focus.
2. Its ability to imagine that which is not real.
It’s these two very important abilities that can –and will-- change your life.
Directing Your Focus
While your subconscious mind has a much stronger sense of awareness of your surroundings than your conscious mind (some suggest it’s where your “sixth sense” comes from) and is always switched on, even when asleep, it really does just obey orders from your conscious mind. If all you do is focus your conscious thoughts continually on negative things, then your subconscious will obediently deliver the feelings, emotions, and memories that you have associated with that type of thinking. And because those feelings will become your reality, you can then be caught up in a never ending loop of negativity, fear, and anxiety, constantly looking for the bad in every situation.
Some people find it quite easy and natural to direct their thoughts towards a more positive outlook on life in every situation. It really depends on the type of programming your subconscious and unconscious has had since birth. For example – do you sway towards pessimism or optimism, negative thinking or positive thinking, happiness or anger, or somewhere in between? Identifying which way you sway is the start to improving it.
Using Your Imagination
The other important ability of the conscious mind is the use of visualization. Your mind can literally imagine something that is totally new and unique – something you’ve never physically experienced before. By contrast, your subconscious can only offer versions of what memories it has stored of your past experiences.
But the really neat trick is that the subconscious can’t distinguish between that which the conscious mind imagines and that which is real, so whatever is brought up by conscious imagination and intently focused on, also brings up all the emotions and feelings that are associated with that image in your mind for you to experience.
People often erroneously think that the subconscious is ‘in charge’ and you are merely at its mercy. In fact, it’s the complete opposite. Your conscious mind gives it the direction, the environment , if you like, for which it operates with-in. The subconscious will only deliver the emotions and feelings of what you continuously think about.
If you want to affect change in your life , at a core level, then you will have to work on your programs that are held in the unconscious mind. There are specialized ways to make that happen, and the place to start doing that is in the conscious mind.
By continuously being in charge of your own thoughts through directing your focus and becoming consciously, mentally aware of what you want; you can influence what programs the subconscious mind constantly runs. Do this often enough (and with enough emotional energy) then it will start to reprogram your unconscious mind and your belief system.
And when that happens you’ll experience change at a very deep level!
From Unconscious Incompetence to Unconscious Competence
1. Unconscious incompetence. You don’t know what you don’t know.
2. Conscious incompetence. You know what you don’t know.
3. Conscious competence. You know how to do it, but you have to think your way through it.
4. Unconscious competence. You can do it without thinking. You just know what to do.
The Four Stages of Competence
1. Unconscious incompetence
The individual does not understand or know how to do something and does not necessarily recognize the deficit. They may deny the usefulness of the skill. The individual must recognize their own incompetence, and the value of the new skill, before moving on to the next stage. The length of time an individual spends in this stage depends on the strength of the stimulus to learn.
2. Conscious incompetence
Though the individual does not understand or know how to do something, they recognize the deficit, as well as the value of a new skill in addressing the deficit. The making of mistakes can be integral to the learning process at this stage.
3. Conscious competence
The individual understands or knows how to do something. However, demonstrating the skill or knowledge requires concentration. It may be broken down into steps, and there is heavy conscious involvement in executing the new skill.
4. Unconscious competence
The individual has had so much practice with a skill that it has become "second nature" and can be performed easily. As a result, the skill can be performed while executing another task. The individual may be able to teach it to others, depending upon how and when it was learned.
In most chiropractic offices there are four vital statistics to be tracked:
➢ Collections
➢ Patient visits
➢ New Patients
➢ Services Rendered, in dollar amounts
It is highly recommended to post some type of “thermometer” in your break-room where staff can see them and FOCUS on them, throughout the day.
Make one for each of the statistics that you want to track during the month. Some doctors are only comfortable in tracking new patients and/or visits. Some are comfortable in having the collections as well. Often times bonuses are based on collections and so that is a great one to track , where the staff can see ‘where you are’ during the month.
You then put dividing lines through the thermometer with amounts on those lines that ultimately add up to your goal or objective- which would be recorded on the top line, if the thermometer were full.
You then start coloring in those lines as the month goes by. You make it someone’s job in the office to daily color in the thermometer to the rate and level you have achieved so far for that month.
The whole staff then knows exactly where you are on your objective for each of those statistics or any others you want to track, and by knowing where they are they can help stimulate the necessary actions to hit those ultimate goals.
An objective that is not written down is seldom achieved!
This is an extraordinarily powerful process.
I relate a story of a consulting client who resisted doing this. Continuously, he said, “I don’t know what numbers to put, I don’t know what is really possible, I don’t know what I feel like I could achieve, I can’t think of anything that excites me that isn’t so big I don’t believe it can happen, I don’t think it would make any difference and I don’t think it would work.”
Those last two statements told the actual story, he didn’t believe it would make a difference and he didn’t think it would work, so he didn’t want to put out the effort!
Long story short he eventually got a little huffy one day and said, “Well, in that case I’m just going to put some unrealistic numbers up there, that I know we will never hit, just to get you off my back.”
He did exactly that, he just made one mistake --he forgot to tell his staff these were made up bogus numbers that he never expected to hit.
You probably have guessed the end of this story, within 45 days they hit all of the objectives because the staff went around him and started calling asking what they could do because they obviously were not hitting these numbers and they were starting to panic that he was going to be mad.
After the team got on board and started putting the things in place that were needed to be done, that client became a very, very happy camper :-)
With the right team, anything is possible!!