Straightening out the mix ups, confusion and questions re the new Jan 2021 Safe Harbor, April 5 Cures Act (Information Blocking), the CMS Cures Act and new HIPAA rule eff June 2021.
UHC incentivizes chiropractic care, creating MD referrals and crisis documentation
How to plan for 2021 after a very weird year - why it is more important than ever!
Expectations that stunt growth, Board rules for Covid, Chiropractic - Medicare & acupuncture
Compliance myths and the fundamentals of achieving your desires
Myths surrounding Risk Analysis, ISAR’s and Ransomware - what you need to know!!
New guidelines regarding regarding how much treatment is enough and ins. industry recommending M.D.’s refer patients to chiropractors opens door for massive practice growth and ABN update
The NEW required ABN form and some special problematic issues that arise from Medicaid combined with Medicare. Starting the process for getting your PPP loan forgiven. Staying up with HIPAA changes.
Major organizations push for school to open. Feeding the mind to maximize the practice. Many setting all time new patient and visit records. HIPAA for managers. Proper use of ABN form.
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